Technology & Value

The NV Technology

Diamond. The ideal host for our high-fidelity, time-stable qubits.
Calibrated once, diamond provides eternal functionality.

The SaxonQ diamond chip contains billions of carbon atoms. Our qubits are made from individual nitrogen atoms that we introduce in a deterministic ion implantation process into the diamond crystal lattice. Every nitrogen atom together with a neighboring missing carbon atom forms a NV qubit (nitrogen-vacancy center). Atomic nuclei in the vicinity of the NV center contribute further qubits to the quantum processor. The SaxonQ diamond chip is based on patented technology for implantation of nitrogen with a high yield that enables the fabrication of high-fidelity qubits.

The superior computing capability of a quantum computer is based on two quantum mechanical phenomena that are counter-intuitive to our everyday experience. These are superposition and entanglement.


A qubit can have two different well-defined states 0 and 1. This is similar to the states of a classical bit that can be found in any current computer. However, the quantum mechanical superposition means that the qubit can also be in a state where it is at the same time 0 and 1; also known as the “Schrödinger’s cat state”. Superposition can be invoked and also cancelled again. Superposition releases the quantum computer from basic binary guardrails and this in turn enables vast compute power.


The second quantum mechanical resource is entanglement. Here, two or more spatially separated qubits are interconnected with each other without direct interaction. Einstein called this non-locality property of quantum mechanics a "spooky interaction at a distance" and did not believe that this phenomenon could be possible. Superposition can be invoked and also cancelled again. Today this effect is well understood and together with superposition provides the key functionality of the SaxonQ quantum computer.

Gate programmable

The SaxonQ quantum computer is freely gate programmable. This means it can execute any code written in high-level quantum programming languages and adapt to any problem solvable via quantum computing. We can execute multi-qubit operations such as Toffoli gates, worth several one- and two-qubit operations (see above), increasing the efficiency of code execution. Currently we support Qiskit and OpenQASM with additional native gate operations available.

References selected from our scientific literature:
S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, Quantum computer based on color centers in diamond, Appl. Phys. Rev. 8, 011308:1-17 (2021)
T. Lühmann, J. Meijer, S. Pezzagna, Charge-assisted engineering of color centers in diamond, Phys. Stat. Sol. A 218, 2000614:1-17 (2021)
R. Staacke, R. John, M. Kneiß, C. Osterkamp, S. Diziain, F. Jelezko, M. Grundmann, J. Meijer, Method of full polarization control of microwave fields in a scalable transparent structure for spin manipulation, J. Appl. Phys. 128, 194301:1-9 (2020)
R. Staacke, R. John, M. Kneiß, M. Grundmann, J. Meijer, Highly transparent conductors for optical and microwave access to spin based quantum systems, NPJ Quantum Information 5, 98:1-5 (2019)

The NV Advantage

Room Temperature

The qubits are fully functional at room temperature with high fidelity. The physical reason is the decoupling of the NV centers from the 'warm' diamond lattice. The laser initialization of the qubits actually brings the NV centers to a local temperature in the milli-Kelvin range!


The small footprint and volume, low weight and low energy consumption, make the computer mobile for installation anywhere - just at a regular power outlet.
The only quantum computer you can put in your office, factory, laboratory, lecture hall, garden shed, ... - just keep it dry.


The small energy budget and efficient use of resources makes the NV technology highly sustainable. Together with the quantum advantage of a large qubit system it fulfills the future needs and requirements of information technology.


A Toffoli gate is just a single operation on our computer. The NV technology is hierarchical and allows for fast and facile gate operations for entanglement. Each NV center controls several neighboring nuclear qubits simultaneously, enabling multi-qubit operations which otherwise are expensive to execute.


The NV technology is highly scalable through the creation of arrays of NV/nuclear building blocks. Also, only a small number of control lines, proportionally to the square root of the number of qubits, is necessary to weild complete control.

Multicore - 80 Qubits

We offer multicore computers in which several NV chips work simultaneously, accelerating your applications and reducing quantum errors. What do you fancy - 5x, 10x or 20x the power? Nothing is impossible. Currently, our standard offer is an 80 qubit multicore system.

Qiskit Spoken Here

The SaxonQ quantum computers can be programmed via Qiskit, openQASM and our proprietary quantum gate language. Let us know how you want to bring your code onto our chips.
Qiskit is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).

Quantum Computing Everywhere

Our quantum computer functions in the typical temperature range and ambient conditions of office or factory environments due to its exact temperature compensation in combination with precise electronics.

Creating Value For Your Company


Environmental protection measures to support slowing the advance of climate change, present new opportunities for renewable energy and quantum computing. As electricity grids become more decentralized and dependent on sustainable energy sources, it will become key to ensure the efficient delivery of renewable energy. Quantum computing will enable the optimized analysis of critical weather linked inputs by synthesizing complex resource distribution and flows to find an optimal solution for this new modern-day challenge.


Statistical Probabilities, Simulation, Real-Time Pricing. These are a small subset of activities undertaken daily by financial institutions across the globe to decrease risks and increase economic success. The power of quantum computing will revolutionize big data “crunchtime” allowing for challenges such as unstructured data sets, real-time risk models and noisy market pricing data to be analyzed at quantum speed. Quantum computing is a game changer for the markets. Early adopters will be able to use the SaxonQ quantum computer to start running algorithms that will change the face of finance for years to come.


Quantum Computing will play an increasingly important role in medicine. From helping with the analysis of data, production of anti-viral drugs to ending drug experimentation on animals, the compute power of the quantum computer will impact how healthcare is delivered for decades to come. We look forward to the day when the quantum computer can be used as a simulator to understand the rules of biology, allowing drugs to be tailored to individuals for more effective treatments. It will all be possible with quantum computing.


Quantum computing has significant potential in the area of mobility and logistics. With the ability to process complex data sets in real-time, the advances in logistical efficiency are open-ended. Reliable decisions around transportation routes as well as in the management of goods in warehouses and the onward distribution will all enjoy efficiency gains due to quantum computing. The efficiencies creating through tighter and faster processing will be a true differentiator for the mobility and logistics sector.

Use Cases

Most industry sectors require the ability to analyze complex data sets and simulated data outcomes. Researchers and analysts are oftentimes constrained by the speed of today’s binary computers. Quantum computers will revolutionize the speed at which these calculations are performed, accelerating and improving neural networks. This will unleash significant benefits across the industrial and financial landscape. We offer our customers the ability to grow with the continuous progress being made in quantum computing. As we develop the technology, the new capability can be quickly and easily rolled out to our customers.